Accessibility report for Epexio archive catalogue

Last modified: 25th March 2025

1.1: Text alternatives

Success Criterion Result Notes
1.1.1: All non-text content has a text alternative Passed The only images that convey meaning within the catalogue are the digitisations of archival material. Where the archive have provided transcripts of this material, the transcript is displayed on the record. Where buttons are only represented by an image, these have aria-labels to identify what the button does.

1.2: Time-based media

Success Criterion Result Notes
1.2.1: Pre-recorded audio/video is accessible in an equivalent format Responsibility of data source This relies on the data source providing us with transcriptions of the audio material that they have put into the catalogue. If this were available we could display it as with the transcripts for images above.
1.2.2: Captions for audio Not applicable
1.2.3: Audio description of video Not applicable
1.2.4: Captions for live content Not applicable
1.2.5: Audio description of video Not applicable
1.2.6: Sign language for pre-recorded audio Responsibility of data source
1.2.7: Extended audio description Not applicable
1.2.8: Media alternative for video Not applicable
1.2.9: Alternative media for live audio Not applicable

1.3: Adaptable

Success Criterion Result Notes
1.3.1: Structure and relationships can be determined Passed There are no aspects of the catalogue where structure or relationships is only determined by position
1.3.2: If sequence is important, it can be determined Passed In places where sequence is important, such as the breadcrumb or the tree, elements can be programmatically determined in order
1.3.3: Instructions do not rely on shape, colour, etc. Passed There are no instructions that rely on shape or colour
1.3.4: Content is not restricted to a single display orientation Passed There is no restriction on the orientation of display
1.3.5: The purpose of input fields can be determined Passed All input fields have titles to determine their purpose
1.3.6: Purpose of UI components implemented in markup languages can be determined Passed UI components all have titles and/or aria-labels to distinguish their purpose

1.4: Distinguishable

Success Criterion Result Notes
1.4.1: Colour not used as only means of conveying information Passed Colour is not used as the only means of conveying information
1.4.2: Automatic audio must have a pause Passed There is no automatic audio in the catalogue
1.4.3: A minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 Passed All contrast ratios have been tested using and all were above 4.5:1
1.4.4: Text can be resized up to 200% without loss of content Passed The catalogue still functions effectively at 200% zoom
1.4.5: Text is used instead of images of text Passed There are no images of text used where meaning is needed
1.4.6: A minimum contrast ratio of 7:1 Failed (AAA) Not all contrast ratios are above 7:1
1.4.7: There are no background sounds to pre-recorded audio Passed This relies on the content provided by the archive, but we believe that the current audio available in the catalogue does not have background sounds
1.4.8: Visual presentation of blocks of text Partial pass (AAA) We meet some of these guidelines - text is not justified, text can be resized
1.4.9: Images of text are only used for decoration Passed There are no images of text used where meaning is needed
1.4.10: Content does not require two-dimensional scrolling Passed There should be no pages in the catalogue where two-dimensional scrolling is required
1.4.11: User interface components have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 Passed All contrast ratios have been tested using and all were above 4.5:1
1.4.12: There is no loss of content when text spacing is modified Passed There should be no loss of content when text spacing is modified
1.4.13: Temporary content displayed on hover Passed There is no content that appears on hover or focus in the catalogue

2.1: Keyboard accessible

Success Criterion Result Notes
2.1.1: All functionality can be accessed via the keyboard Passed All menu items in the top menu have unique access keys. All other content can be retrieved through the use of links. There is no requirement anywhere in the catalogue for specific timings
2.1.2: No keyboard trap Passed Focus can be moved away from all components using the keyboard
2.1.3: As 2.1.1 but with no exception Passed
2.1.4: Keyboard shortcuts can be turned off Passed There are no keyboard shortcuts used in the catalogue

2.2: Enough time

Success Criterion Result Notes
2.2.1: Time limits Passed There are no time limits within the catalogue
2.2.2: Moving, blinking, scrolling Passed There is no moving, blinking, scrolling or auto-updating content in the catalogue
2.2.3: No timing Passed There is never any timing required when using the catalogue
2.2.4: Interuptions can be postponed Passed
2.2.5: No data loss on re-authentication Passed There is no authentication in the catalogue
2.2.6: User is warned of timeouts Not applicable There are no timeouts in the catalogue

2.3: Seizures and physical reactions

Success Criterion Result Notes
2.3.1: No flashes three times in one second Passed There is no flashing content in the catalogue
2.3.2: As above Passed
2.3.3: Motion animation can be disabled Passed There is no motion animation in the catalogue

2.4: Navigable

Success Criterion Result Notes
2.4.1: You can bypass blocks of content that are repeated Passed There are no repeating blocks of content in the catalogue
2.4.2: Web pges have titles Passed Each page of the catalogue has a title that describes its puropse. Records within the catalogue are titled with the archival title of the material
2.4.3: Focus order represents meaning Passed The focus order moves through each component sequentially to represent the component's meaning
2.4.4: Purpose of link is easily determined Passed Every link represents its purpose using text
2.4.5: There are multiple ways of locating a page Passed Any record in the catalogue can be accessed via search or by browse
2.4.6: Headings and labels describe topic and purpose Passed
2.4.7: The keyboard focus indicator is visible Passed
2.4.8: Information about the user's location within a set of Web pages is available Passed Breadcrumbs exist at the top of every record page to show where the page is situated in its archival hierarchy. All pages have titles to show the user the function of the page they are on
2.4.9: Purpose of each link is identified from its text Passed Every link represents its purpose using text
2.4.10: Section headings are used to organise content Passed All areas of text on a record page are identified by their field name

2.5: Input modalities

Success Criterion Result Notes
2.5.1: Functionality that uses multipoint or path-based gestures can be operated with a single pointer Not applicable
2.5.2: Pointer functions Passed There are no functions that rely on complex pointer functionality
2.5.3: UI components with labels have a name Passed
2.5.4: Functionality operated by motion has alternatives Not applicable There is no functionality operated by motion in the catalogue
2.5.5: Targets for pointers are at least 44x44 CSS pixels Failed (AAA)
2.5.6: Content does not restrict use of input modalities Passed They are no non-standard input areas or events

3.1: Readable

Success Criterion Result Notes
3.1.1: Language can be determined Passed
3.1.2: Language of each passage can be determined Passed There should be no areas of the catalogue in a language other than English
3.1.3: Jargon is explained Passed Particular archival concepts have help sections to explain jargon
3.1.4: Abbreviations are explained Passed There are no abbreviations used in the product. If metadata on catalogue records uses abbreviations, this is up to the archive to provide meanings
3.1.5: Text should not require reading ability above lower secondary education Passed This relies on the data producer - all text comes from them
3.1.6: Pronunciation of words is available when necessary for meaning Not applicable

3.2: Predictable

Success Criterion Result Notes
3.2.1: A UI component receiving focus does not initiate a change of context Passed
3.2.2: A UI component changing setting does not cause a change of context without warning Passed Only links or submitting a form lead to a change of context in the catalogue
3.2.3: Repeated navigation is consistent Passed
3.2.4: Components with the same functionality are consistent Passed
3.2.5: Context only changes on user request Passed

3.3: Input assistance

Success Criterion Result Notes
3.3.1: Input errors are described in text Passed Input errors should not be possible in the catalogue - they may just end up with no search results, which is written in text
3.3.2: Labels are provided when user input is required Passed User input is never mandatory - all catalogue records can be viewed via browse
3.3.3: Input error suggestions are made Not applicable
3.3.4: Errors are prevented when they are important Not applicable
3.3.5: Context-sensitive help is available Passed

4.1: Compatible

Success Criterion Result Notes
4.1.1: All HTML tags are complete, nested correctly, have unique attributes Passed
4.1.2: All UI components can have their name and role determined Passed Standard HTML controls are used in the catalogue
4.1.3: Status messages can be determined without receiving focus Not applicable There are no status messages in the catalogue

Automatic testing using SiteImprove

Date Page SiteImprove Notes
25-03-25 https://*** No issues
25-03-25 https://*** No issues
25-03-25 https://*** No issues
25-03-25 https://*** No issues
25-03-25 https://*** No issues
25-03-25 https://*** No issues
25-03-25 https://*** No issues

Manual testing

Catalogue navigated with Chrome extension Vox screen reader

Last modified: 4th July 2022

Date Issues highlighted Fixed
02-07-19 Focus needs to jump to help pop-up when it is opened 03-07-19
02-07-19 Focus skips metadata on record page 03-07-19
02-07-19 Focus needs to jump to transcript text when opened
02-07-19 Focus misses Contents tree at the bottom of record page 03-07-19
02-07-19 Focus misses links in Contents tree 15-06-22
04-07-22 Accessibility report as PDF is not accessible 04-07-22